How to Brush Teeth With Braces

How to Brush Teeth With Braces


At first, it might seem impossible to brush your teeth if you have braces. How are you supposed to reach your teeth with all those large brackets in front of it? Brushing your teeth is extremely important when you wear braces, as you don’t want food particles to get stuck. Here are some tips you can use to brush your teeth effectively with braces.

Rinse Out Your Mouth with Water

Before you do anything, rinse your mouth out thoroughly with water. You’d be surprised by how many food particles can be dislodged by this simple, often overlooked step. It’s a good idea to rinse out your mouth regularly to see if the easy to remove particles will shift.

Brush Your Gum Line at a 45° Angle

You should try to brush your gum line first, at a 45° angle. This will stimulate your gums and remove any biofilm that has started to build up around the bottom of your teeth. It can be more difficult to brush the front of your teeth, but you should have an easy time brushing your gums. Just be sure to brush softly, as you don’t want to irritate your gums.

Brush Each Bracket

Next, you’ll want to gently brush each and every bracket individually to make sure you remove as much as you can. You’ll want to work on the top and bottom of the bracket separately. You don’t want to pull on the bracket or wires, as you don’t want to damage it. Take your time as you brush your braces. You don’t want to rush the process and accidentally damage your braces or teeth.

Use a Flosser or Waterpik

It is still important to floss every day, even if you have braces and flossing seems extremely difficult. You can talk with your orthodontist or dental hygienist on the best flossing techniques you can use now that you have braces. Some people find it easier to use a floss threader or a small brush to get into the crevices.

You may also consider a water flosser or a waterpik. Many dental providers recommend water flossers for their patients with braces, as it can easily remove plaque from hard to reach places. However, remember that there is a learning curve to using a waterpik. It may take you several tries to get used to operating one on yourself. This doesn’t mean it isn’t worth learning how to do. Just remember that a water flosser is in addition to brushing your teeth properly, it doesn’t replace it.

Having braces might make brushing your teeth seem more daunting. However, it is an extremely important part of your oral hygiene routine. If you have questions about how to brush your teeth with braces or need to make an appointment, call Greater Hartford Orthodontics at 860-667-8277.